Spherobent® J is sodium-calcium bentonite, with the following characteristic: • good deproteinising action • easy dispersion • low inert matter content • deposit volumes reduced to a minimum • the smell and taste of the wine are not affected The high quality of the bentonite used ensures protein stabilization and proper clarification. Spherobent® J can be used in all types of wine and juice.
Instructions for use 1. Disperse Spherobent® J in cold water (1:10 ratio) by shaking vigorously until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. 2. Allow the solution (gel) to stand for a few hours (from a minimum of 6 to 12 hours, approx.) 3. Mix again and add to the product to be treated
Dosage The exact dosage is best determined by pretests.
For preventive treatment add: Spherobent® J: from 80 to 200 g/h, converts to 8-20gm per 10 Litres for the home wine maker.